Our Mobile Friendly Website
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Specialists, Milk Cooling Systems & Equipment, Supply, Installation & Service
Welcome to our new mobile friendly website informing customers about the products and services we offer, and giving them a streamlined experience. Our website was specially created by Autus Web Design and Marketing, and includes a tailored SEO package.
The reliability and efficiency of milk cooling and storage systems is heavily relied upon by farmers and others within the industry. Milk cooling systems work very hard, and need ongoing expert service and maintenance to ensure that their performance is up to scratch.
The temperature of milk on leaving the udder is around 35°C, and its quality is dictated by speed of cooling. The natural resistance to bacteria within freshly extracted milk has to be assisted, and micro-organism growth limited by rapid cooling to approximately 4°C to 6°C for storage. Requirements include technology to monitor the cooling and storing process, while ensuring that traceability is enabled for responsible milk production.
Today’s dairy industry is highly competitive with no room for error, which is why we are dedicated to providing high quality new and pre-owned cooling systems and expertise. Economical cooling equipment from Marcold Refrigeration Ltd, provides fast and efficient temperature drop, keeping milk at optimum storage conditions ready for collection.
Our comprehensive repair service will ease any worries about being left to cope unaided should emergencies arise. Preventative maintenance contracts are highly popular with our customers, and can deliver peace of mind. Having this sort of arrangement in place demonstrates to insurers that checking and inspecting procedures are regularly carried out by qualified technicians.
Whether its bulk milk cooling tanks and cooling systems, ice builders, plate coolers, water heaters and heat recovery systems customers can now order quickly and easily online thanks to our mobile friendly website. Browsing and ordering can be done wherever you are whatever you are doing, and you can contact us as and when you need us. Call us on 01253 839800